quantitative credit portfolio management
quantitative credit portfolio management
capital budgeting :
simulation and optimization in finance :
simulation and optimization in finance :
robust portfolio optimization and ma...
robust portfolio optimization and management /
handbook of alternative assets /
handbook of alternative assets /
probability and statistics for finance /
probability and statistics for finance /
financial advice and investment deci...
financial advice and investment decisions
financial management and analysis wo...
financial management and analysis workbook :
introduction to structured finance /
introduction to structured finance /
subprime mortgage credit derivatives /
subprime mortgage credit derivatives /
handbook of european structured fina...
handbook of european structured financial products /
analysis of financial statements /
analysis of financial statements /
advanced stochastic models, risk ass...
advanced stochastic models, risk assessment, and portfolio optimization :
analysis of financial statements
analysis of financial statements
foundations of economic value added /
foundations of economic value added /
investing in emerging fixed income m...
investing in emerging fixed income markets /
theory and practice of investment ma...
theory and practice of investment management /
financial econometrics :
advanced bond portfolio management :
advanced bond portfolio management :
exchange-traded funds manual /
exchange-traded funds manual /