international securitisation :
international securitisation :
derivatives and internal models /
derivatives and internal models /
strategy, value and risk :
strategy, value and risk :
derivatives and internal models
derivatives and internal models
dark pools
quantification of operational risk u...
quantification of operational risk under basel ii
credit treasury
international loan documentation
international loan documentation
risk and financial catastrophe /
risk and financial catastrophe /
creative accounting :
corporate governance, financial reps...
corporate governance, financial repsonsibility, controls and ethics
policy instruments for sound fiscal ...
policy instruments for sound fiscal policies
economic capital and financial risk ...
economic capital and financial risk management for financial services firms and conglomerates
technology management in financial s...
technology management in financial services
strategy, value and risk
climate trading :
advances in risk management
advances in risk management
investor relations
cross-border investment withholding tax
cross-border investment withholding tax
international trade finance
international trade finance