Fields Institute monographs,

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brauer type embedding problems /
brauer type embedding problems /
calabi-yau varieties
calabi-yau varieties
mathematical modelling and biomechan...
mathematical modelling and biomechanics of the brain
riemannian geometry /
riemannian geometry /
c*-algebras by example /
c*-algebras by example /
introduction to homotopy theory /
introduction to homotopy theory /
modular calabi-yau threefolds /
modular calabi-yau threefolds /
coxeter groups and hopf algebras /
coxeter groups and hopf algebras /
galois module structure /
galois module structure /
meromorphic functions and linear alg...
meromorphic functions and linear algebra /
density evolution under delayed dynamics
density evolution under delayed dynamics
bordism, stable homotopy, and adams ...
bordism, stable homotopy, and adams spectral sequences /
lectures on analytic function spaces...
lectures on analytic function spaces and their applications
k-schur functions and affine schuber...
k-schur functions and affine schubert calculus