pcm-enhanced building components
pcm-enhanced building components
computational mechanics of composite...
computational mechanics of composite materials
polymer nanocomposites
self-healing construction materials
self-healing construction materials
silicon carbide nanostructures
silicon carbide nanostructures
structural properties of porous mate...
structural properties of porous materials and powders used in different fields of science and technology
design and development of metal-form...
design and development of metal-forming processes and products aided by finite element simulation
discontinuous-fibre reinforced compo...
discontinuous-fibre reinforced composites
charged semiconductor defects
charged semiconductor defects
ferromagnetic microwire composites
ferromagnetic microwire composites
laser metal deposition process of me...
laser metal deposition process of metals, alloys, and composite materials
chemical vapour deposition
chemical vapour deposition
modelling stochastic fibrous materia...
modelling stochastic fibrous materials with mathematica
freezing colloids
mechanical properties of aging soft ...
mechanical properties of aging soft tissues
composite materials
silver metallization
crystallographic texture of materials
crystallographic texture of materials
modelling of powder die compaction
modelling of powder die compaction
microbiologically influenced corrosion
microbiologically influenced corrosion