Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ;

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topics in algebraic graph theory /
topics in algebraic graph theory /
quantum field theory for mathematici...
quantum field theory for mathematicians /
classical and quantum orthogonal pol...
classical and quantum orthogonal polynomials in one variable /
convex functions :
convex functions :
hilbert transforms /
hilbert transforms /
exact and approximate controllabilit...
exact and approximate controllability for distributed parameter systems :
classical fields :
classical fields :
compound renewal processes
compound renewal processes
structured dependence between stocha...
structured dependence between stochastic processes
multiple scattering :
multiple scattering :
matrices and graphs in geometry /
matrices and graphs in geometry /
geometric regular polytopes /
geometric regular polytopes /
combinatorial games :
combinatorial games :
contact geometry and non-linear diff...
contact geometry and non-linear differential equations /
variational principles in mathematic...
variational principles in mathematical physics, geometry, and economics :
solving polynomial equation systems.
solving polynomial equation systems.
control theory for partial different...
control theory for partial differential equations :
control theory for partial different...
control theory for partial differential equations :
orthogonal polynomials of several va...
orthogonal polynomials of several variables
equivalents of the riemann hypothesis.
equivalents of the riemann hypothesis.