multiplicative invariant theory
multiplicative invariant theory
introduction to modern number theory
introduction to modern number theory
modular invariant theory
algebraic theory of locally nilpoten...
algebraic theory of locally nilpotent derivations
introduction to modern number theory :
introduction to modern number theory :
invariants for homology 3-spheres /
invariants for homology 3-spheres /
probability on discrete structures /
probability on discrete structures /
linear algebraic monoids
basic notions of algebra
partial differential equations ix
partial differential equations ix
standard monomial theory
homogeneous spaces and equivariant e...
homogeneous spaces and equivariant embeddings
theory of operator algebras /
theory of operator algebras /
classification of nuclear c*-algebras :
classification of nuclear c*-algebras :
dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity
dynamics beyond uniform hyperbolicity
computational invariant theory
computational invariant theory
dynamical systems, ergodic theory an...
dynamical systems, ergodic theory and applications /
number theory iv :
multiplicative invariant theory /
multiplicative invariant theory /
projective duality and homogeneous s...
projective duality and homogeneous spaces