Elibron classics series

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poems of matthew arnold, 1849-1864.
poems of matthew arnold, 1849-1864.
international trade :
international trade :
problems of poverty :
problems of poverty :
anthropo-geographie /
anthropo-geographie /
translations of the philosophical works.
translations of the philosophical works.
psychology of jingoism /
psychology of jingoism /
j.a. comenius /
j.a. comenius /
casamassima /
casamassima /
boyhood, adolescence and youth /
boyhood, adolescence and youth /
twenty-two essays of william hazlitt /
twenty-two essays of william hazlitt /
new protectionism /
new protectionism /
problem of the unemployed :
problem of the unemployed :
letters of samuel taylor coleridge.
letters of samuel taylor coleridge.
education of children /
education of children /
king with two faces /
king with two faces /
letters of samuel taylor coleridge.
letters of samuel taylor coleridge.
evolution of modern capitalism :
evolution of modern capitalism :
moral and historical works of lord b...
moral and historical works of lord bacon.