Dress, body, culture

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japanese revolution in paris fashion /
japanese revolution in paris fashion /
alternative femininities :
alternative femininities :
bound to please :
bound to please :
stripping, sex, and popular culture /
stripping, sex, and popular culture /
culture of sewing :
culture of sewing :
clothed body /
clothed body /
latin american fashion reader /
latin american fashion reader /
wearing ideology
wearing ideology
body dressing /
body dressing /
clothed body
clothed body
fashion classics from carlyle to barthes
fashion classics from carlyle to barthes
unzipping gender :
unzipping gender :
uniforms exposed :
uniforms exposed :
appearance and power /
appearance and power /
undressing religion :
undressing religion :
changing fashion :
changing fashion :
nudity :
nudity :
women who become men :
women who become men :
body dressing
body dressing