Cross-cultural perspectives on women

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servants and gentlewomen to the gold...
servants and gentlewomen to the golden land :
migrant women :
migrant women :
chinese women organizing
chinese women organizing
gender, water and development /
gender, water and development /
anthropology of breast-feeding :
anthropology of breast-feeding :
bilingual women :
bilingual women :
muslim women's choices :
muslim women's choices :
gender, religion and change in the m...
gender, religion and change in the middle east :
extending the boundaries of care :
extending the boundaries of care :
chinese women organizing :
chinese women organizing :
gender, drink and drugs /
gender, drink and drugs /
carved flesh/cast selves :
carved flesh/cast selves :
money-go-rounds :
money-go-rounds :
transnational family :
transnational family :
cross-cultural marriage :
cross-cultural marriage :
women and credit
women and credit
women and credit :
women and credit :
organizing women :
organizing women :
women plantation workers :
women plantation workers :
persons and powers of women in diver...
persons and powers of women in diverse cultures :