Collected courses of the Academy of European Law ;

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eu administrative law /
eu administrative law /
human rights :
human rights :
international humanitarian law and i...
international humanitarian law and international human rights law
new technologies and human rights
new technologies and human rights
eu, the wto and the nafta
eu, the wto and the nafta
executive power of the european union :
executive power of the european union :
securing human rights?
securing human rights?
market integration and public servic...
market integration and public services in the european union
eu, the wto, and the nafta :
eu, the wto, and the nafta :
new institutions for human rights pr...
new institutions for human rights protection
compliance and the enforcement of eu law
compliance and the enforcement of eu law
eu, the wto, and the nafta
eu, the wto, and the nafta
new institutions for human rights pr...
new institutions for human rights protection /
labour rights as human rights /
labour rights as human rights /
non-state actors and human rights /
non-state actors and human rights /
human rights in criminal proceedings
human rights in criminal proceedings
cultural dimension of human rights
cultural dimension of human rights
environmental protection
environmental protection
gender and human rights /
gender and human rights /
human rights obligations of non-stat...
human rights obligations of non-state actors