Cambridge texts in applied mathematics

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
mathematical models in the applied s...
mathematical models in the applied sciences /
introduction to symmetry analysis /
introduction to symmetry analysis /
applied solid mechanics /
applied solid mechanics /
complex variables
complex variables
linear elastic waves
linear elastic waves
introduction to parallel and vector ...
introduction to parallel and vector scientific computing /
applied analysis of the navier-stoke...
applied analysis of the navier-stokes equations /
thermomechanics of plasticity and fr...
thermomechanics of plasticity and fracture /
first course in the numerical analys...
first course in the numerical analysis of differential equations /
scaling, self-similarity, and interm...
scaling, self-similarity, and intermediate asymptotics /
introduction to computational stocha...
introduction to computational stochastic pdes
singularities :
singularities :
stochastic modelling of reaction-dif...
stochastic modelling of reaction-diffusion processes /
discrete systems and integrability
discrete systems and integrability
scaling /
scaling /
introduction to computational stocha...
introduction to computational stochastic pdes /
nonlinear wave processes in acoustics /
nonlinear wave processes in acoustics /
integral equations :
integral equations :
introduction to magnetohydrodynamics /
introduction to magnetohydrodynamics /
theory of vortex sound
theory of vortex sound