Cambridge series in statistical and probabilistic mathematics

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頁數: [ 1 ] 2
networks :
networks :
statistical mechanics of disordered ...
statistical mechanics of disordered systems :
applied asymptotics :
applied asymptotics :
essentials of statistical inference
essentials of statistical inference
probability on trees and networks
probability on trees and networks
wavelet methods for time series anal...
wavelet methods for time series analysis /
random graphs and complex networks.
random graphs and complex networks.
estimation and tracking of frequency /
estimation and tracking of frequency /
networks :
networks :
probability :
probability :
semiparametric regression /
semiparametric regression /
networks :
networks :
random graph dynamics.
random graph dynamics.
random graph dynamics /
random graph dynamics /
brownian motion /
brownian motion /
semiparametric regression
semiparametric regression
saddlepoint approximations with appl...
saddlepoint approximations with applications /
elements of distribution theory /
elements of distribution theory /
model selection and model averaging /
model selection and model averaging /
random networks for communication
random networks for communication