Amsterdam studies in the theory and history of linguistic science.

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recent advances in natural language ...
recent advances in natural language processing iii :
history of language philosophies /
history of language philosophies /
romance languages and linguistic the...
romance languages and linguistic theory 2002 :
competing models of linguistic change :
competing models of linguistic change :
language and its functions :
language and its functions :
whitney to chomsky :
whitney to chomsky :
historical linguistics 1995 :
historical linguistics 1995 :
missionary linguistics =
missionary linguistics =
negation and polarity :
negation and polarity :
200 years of syntax :
200 years of syntax :
comparative historical dialectology :
comparative historical dialectology :
composition of meaning :
composition of meaning :
initiation of sound change :
initiation of sound change :
mirror of grammar
mirror of grammar
lexical perspectives on transitivity...
lexical perspectives on transitivity and ergativity :
anaphora processing :
anaphora processing :
francisco varo's grammar of the mand...
francisco varo's grammar of the mandarin language, 1703 :
events and predication :
events and predication :
textual parameters in older languages /
textual parameters in older languages /
romance linguistics :
romance linguistics :