heavy-tailed distributions in disast...
heavy-tailed distributions in disaster analysis
submarine mass movements and their c...
submarine mass movements and their consequences
2011 japan earthquake and tsunami
2011 japan earthquake and tsunami
landslides in sensitive clays
landslides in sensitive clays
natural disasters and risk managemen...
natural disasters and risk management in canada
submarine mass movements and their c...
submarine mass movements and their consequences
tsunamis :
new trends in earth-science outreach...
new trends in earth-science outreach and engagement
landslides in sensitive clays
landslides in sensitive clays
submarine mass movements and their c...
submarine mass movements and their consequences :
coping with drought risk in agricult...
coping with drought risk in agriculture and water supply systems
post-tsunami hazard
natural hazards gis-based spatial mo...
natural hazards gis-based spatial modeling using data mining techniques
use of historical data in natural ha...
use of historical data in natural hazard assessments /
human casualties in earthquakes
human casualties in earthquakes
exploring risk communication /
exploring risk communication /
submarine mass movements and their c...
submarine mass movements and their consequences
disaster response to risk management
disaster response to risk management