dynamical theory of dendritic growth...
dynamical theory of dendritic growth in convective flow
classical mechanics
mathematical models of higher orders
mathematical models of higher orders
canonical duality theory
well-posed nonlinear problems
well-posed nonlinear problems
navier-stokes equations :
navier-stokes equations :
variational inequalities and frictio...
variational inequalities and frictional contact problems
geometric continuum mechanics
geometric continuum mechanics
dynamical theory of dendritic growth...
dynamical theory of dendritic growth in convective flow
mathematical aspects of multi-porosi...
mathematical aspects of multi-porosity continua
classical mechanics
convection with local thermal non-eq...
convection with local thermal non-equilibrium and microfluidic effects
variational inequalities with applic...
variational inequalities with applications :
advances in mathematical methods and...
advances in mathematical methods and high performance computing
navier-stokes equations
nonlinear dynamics of a wheeled vehicle
nonlinear dynamics of a wheeled vehicle
classical mechanics
evolution inclusions and variation i...
evolution inclusions and variation inequalities for earth data processing.
advances in variational and hemivari...
advances in variational and hemivariational inequalities
posteriori error analysis via dualit...
posteriori error analysis via duality theory