Advanced textbooks in control and signal processing

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neural networks for modelling and co...
neural networks for modelling and control of dynamic systems :
receding horizon control
receding horizon control
automatic control with experiments
automatic control with experiments
discrete-time signal processing :
discrete-time signal processing :
model predictive control
model predictive control
hybrid dynamical systems
hybrid dynamical systems
control engineering
control engineering
analysis and control of nonlinear pr...
analysis and control of nonlinear process systems
lectures in feedback design for mult...
lectures in feedback design for multivariable systems
control engineering
control engineering
soft computing :
soft computing :
feedback control
feedback control
multivariable control systems
multivariable control systems
digital self-tuning controllers
digital self-tuning controllers
robust control design with matlab
robust control design with matlab
multivariable control systems
multivariable control systems
automatic control with experiments
automatic control with experiments
model-reference adaptive control
model-reference adaptive control
robust and adaptive control
robust and adaptive control