AFI film readers

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頁數: [ 1 ]
landscape and film /
landscape and film /
film theory and contemporary hollywo...
film theory and contemporary hollywood movies /
documentary testimonies :
documentary testimonies :
film theory goes to the movies /
film theory goes to the movies /
authorship and film /
authorship and film /
pervasive animation /
pervasive animation /
east european cinemas /
east european cinemas /
theorizing documentary /
theorizing documentary /
masculinity :
masculinity :
persistence of history :
persistence of history :
sound theory, sound practice /
sound theory, sound practice /
black american cinema /
black american cinema /
fabrications :
fabrications :
world cinemas, transnational perspec...
world cinemas, transnational perspectives /
ecocinema theory and practice
ecocinema theory and practice
new media :
new media :
disney discourse :
disney discourse :
epic film in world culture /
epic film in world culture /