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    The land before time. Volume 11,. In...
    Grosvenor, Charles.
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    • The land before time. Volume 11,. Invasion of the tinysauruses /
    • by: Grosvenor, Charles.; Loy, John.; Freudberg, Judy.; Geiss, Tony.; Cheng, Eagle.; Ferreira, Flammarion.; Bixsen, Jay.; Tavera, Michael.; Ingle, John.; Curzon, Aria Noelle, (1987-); Bennett, Jeff, (1963-); Spam, Aaron.; Paulsen, Rob, (1956-); McAfee, Anndi.; Mass, Kenneth.; Flynn, Miriam.; Duncan, Michael Clarke.; Manheim, Camryn.; Summer-Francks, Cree.; Universal Home Entertainment Productions (Firm); Universal Pictures (Firm)
    • 書目-投影資料、錄影資料、電影片 : Monograph/item
    • 語文別: 英文; spa; 法文
    • 出版者: Universal Studio,
    • 出版地: Universal City, CA :
    • 出版年: 2005
    • ISBN: 1417003618
    • 館藏流通狀態: 1 本館藏 | 1 本館藏 可借閱
    • 筆 0 讀者評論