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Wessel, Ramses A.

Works: 0 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
Netherlands yearbook of international law 2019 = yearbooks in international law: history, function and future / by: Spijkers, Otto.; Wessel, Ramses A.; SpringerLink (Online service); Werner, Wouter G. (Electronic resources)
Multilevel regulation and the EU : = the interplay between global, European and national normative processes / by: Wouters, Jan, (1964-); Wessel, Ramses A.; Follesdal, Andreas. (Language materials, printed)
EU external relations law : = text, cases and materials / by: European Union countries; Wessel, Ramses A.; Van Vooren, Bart. (Language materials, printed)
Informal international lawmaking by: Wessel, Ramses A.; Wouters, Jan, (1964-); Pauwelyn, Joost. (Electronic resources)
Netherlands yearbook of international law 2014 = Between pragmatism and predictability: temporariness in international law / by: Wessel, Ramses A.; SpringerLink (Online service); Ambrus, Monika. (Electronic resources)
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