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Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-)

Works: 6 works in 5 publications in 1 languages
Congress = facilitator of state action / by: United States., Congress.; Project Muse.; Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-) (Electronic resources)
State-local governmental interactions by: Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-); Project Muse. (Electronic resources)
Contemporary American federalism : = the growth of national power / by: Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-) (Language materials, printed)
Interstate water compacts = intergovernmental efforts to manage America's water supply / Joseph F. Zimmerman. by: Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-); Project Muse. (Electronic resources)
Regulating the business of insurance in a federal system by: Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-); Project Muse. (Electronic resources)
Interstate cooperation = compacts and administrative agreements / by: Zimmerman, Joseph Francis, (1928-); Project Muse. (Electronic resources)
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