Capasso, Vincenzo.
Works: | 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages |
An introduction to continuous-time stochastic processes = theory, models, and applications to finance, biology, and medicine /
Capasso, Vincenzo.; Bakstein, David.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Mathematical modeling and control in life and environmental sciences = regional control problems /
Anita, Sebastian.; Capasso, Vincenzo.; Scacchi, Simone.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
An introduction to continuous-time stochastic processes = theory, models, and applications to finance, biology, and medicine /
Capasso, Vincenzo.; Bakstein, David.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
An introduction to random currents and their applications
Capasso, Vincenzo.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
An Introduction to Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes = Theory, Models, and Applications to Finance, Biology, and Medicine /
Bakstein, David.; SpringerLink (Online service); Capasso, Vincenzo.
(Language materials, printed)
Multidisciplinary Methods for Analysis Optimization and Control of Complex Systems
Capasso, Vincenzo.; Periaux, Jacques.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Language materials, printed)
Computational mathematics driven by industrial problems = lectures given at the 1st session of the Centro internazionale matematico estivo (C.I.M.E.) held in Martina Franca, Italy, June 21-27, 1999/
Burkard, Rainer E.; Capasso, Vincenzo.; Engl, Heinz W.; Periaux, Jacques.; SpringerLink (Online service)
(Electronic resources)
Appl.Mathematics/Computational Methods of Engineering.
Mathematical Biology in General.
System analysis.
Mathematical and Computational Biology.
Image Processing and Computer Vision.
Applications of Mathematics.
Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes.
Quantitative Finance.
Engineering Fluid Dynamics.
Vibration, Dynamical Systems, Control.
Stochastic processes- Mathematical models.
Mathematical models- Congresses.
Environmental sciences- Mathematical models.
Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis.
Partial Differential Equations.
Biology- Mathematical models.
Systems Theory, Control.
Stochastic processes.
Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics.
Mathematics- Industrial applications
Measure and Integration.
Mathematical optimization.
Dynamical Systems.