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Dautenhahn, Kerstin.

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Imitation and social learning in Robots, humans and animals = behavioural, social and communicative dimensions / by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; Nehaniv, Chrystopher L.{me_controlnum} (Electronic resources)
Imitation in animals and artifacts by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; Nehaniv, Chrystopher L., (1963-); NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Socially intelligent agents = creating relationships with computers and robots / by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Socially intelligent agents = creating relationships with computers and robots / by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Language materials, printed)
Cognitive technology = instruments of mind : 4th International Conference, CT 2001, Coventry, UK, August 6-9, 2001 : proceedings / by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; SpringerLink (Online service); Beynon, Meurig.; International Conference on Cognitive Technology (2001 :); Nehaniv, Chrystopher L. (Language materials, printed)
New frontiers in human-robot interaction by: Dautenhahn, Kerstin.; ProQuest (Firm); Saunders, Joe. (Electronic resources)
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