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Hunt, Darnell M.

Works: 2 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Colors by: Kammen, Glenn D.; Jacobson, Matthew Frye, (1958-); Moss, Alfred A., (1943-); Cooper, Abraham, (1950-); Pitti, Stephen J., (1969-); Biblarz, Timothy J., (1962-); Conely, Dalton, (1969-); Hunt, Darnell M.; Kennelly, Evy Leigh, (1971-); Levin, Jack, (1941-); Smith, Sandra S.; INTELECOM Intelligent Telecommunications (Firm); Wilson, William J., (1935-); Almaguer, Tom; United States; United States (Projected and video material)
O.J. Simpson facts and fictions = news rituals in the construction of reality / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Hunt, Darnell M.; United States (Language materials, printed)
Colors = race and ethnicity / by: Almaguer, Tomas.; Biblarz, Timothy J., (1962-); Conely, Dalton, (1969-); Cooper, Abraham, (1950-); Hunt, Darnell M.; Jacobson, Matthew Frye, (1958-); Kammen, Glenn D.; Kennelly, Evy Leigh, (1971-); Levin, Jack, (1941-); Moss, Alfred A., (1943-); Pitti, Stephen J., (1969-); Smith, Sandra S.; United States; United States (Projected and video material)
Black Los Angeles = American dreams and racial realities / by: Los Angeles (Calif.); Hunt, Darnell M.; Project Muse.; Ramón, Ana-Christina. (Electronic resources)
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