Jones Luong, Pauline.
Works: | 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Institutional Change and Political Continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia : = Power, Perceptions, and Pacts.
Jones Luong, Pauline.; Bates, Robert H.; Ebooks Corporation.; Hall, Peter.; Comisso, Ellen.; Lange, Peter.; Migdal, Joel.; Milner, Helen.
(Electronic resources)
Institutional change and political continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia = power, perceptions, and pacts /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Jones Luong, Pauline.; Kazakhstan; Kyrgyzstan; Uzbekistan; Kazakhstan; Kirghizistan; Ouzb歋kistan
(Language materials, printed)
Representative government and representation- Uzbekistan.
Gouvernement repr歋sentatif- Kazakhstan.
Representative government and representation.
Kazakhstan- Politique et gouvernement- 1991-
Representative government and representation- Kazakhstan.
Kyrgyzstan- Politics and government- 1991-
Ouzb歋kistan- Politique et gouvernement- 1991-
Representative government and representation- Kyrgyzstan.
Gouvernement repr歋sentatif- Ouzb歋kistan.
Uzbekistan- Politics and government- 1991-
Kirghizistan- Politique et gouvernement- 1991-
Gouvernement repr歋sentatif- Kirghizistan.
Kazakhstan- Politics and government- 1991-