Rodrigues, R. J.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
The regulation of privacy and data protection in the use of electronic health information = an international perspective and reference source on regulatory and legal issues related to person-identifiable health databases/
Schanz, Stephen J.; Wilson, P.; Essential Drugs and Technology Program (Pan American Health Organization); NetLibrary, Inc.; Pan American Sanitary Bureau.; World Health Organization.; Rodrigues, R. J.
(Language materials, printed)
Computer Security- legislation.
Medical records- Law and legislation.
Computer security- Law and legislation.
Data protection- Law and legislation.
Privacy- legislation.
Confidentiality- legislation.
Medical Records- legislation.
Medical Informatics Computing- legislation.
Medical Records Systems, Computerized- legislation.
Hospitals- Law and legislation.
Legislation, Hospital.