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Northern Ireland

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Mobilizing for peace = conflict resolution in Northern Ireland, Israel/Palestine, and South Africa / by: Gidron, Benjamin.; Hasenfeld, Yeheskel.; Katz, Stanley Nider.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Northern Ireland; South Africa (Language materials, printed)
Explaining Northern Ireland : = broken images / by: O'Leary, Brendan.; Northern Ireland; McGarry, John, (1957-); Northern Ireland (Language materials, printed)
The far side of revenge : = making peace in Northern Ireland / by: Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland; De Breadun, Deaglan.; Irish Republican Army (Language materials, printed)
Mobilizing for Peace = Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine by: Hasenfeld, Yeheskel; Katz, Stanley N.; Oxford University Press.; Gidron, Benjamin; Northern Ireland; South Africa (Language materials, printed)
Paisley = Religion and Politics in Northern Ireland by: Oxford University Press.; Bruce, Steve; Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster; Northern Ireland; Northern Ireland (Language materials, printed)
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