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Towne, Lisa.

作品: 2 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言
Science, evidence, and inference in education = report of a workshop / by: Towne, Lisa.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Feuer, Michael J.; Shavelson, Richard J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Scientific research in education by: Towne, Lisa.; NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Scientific Principles for Education Research.; Shavelson, Richard J. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Implementing randomized field trials in education = report of a workshop. by: Towne, Lisa.; NetLibrary, Inc. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Advancing scientific research in education by: Towne, Lisa.; Winters, Tina M.; NetLibrary, Inc.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Committee on Research in Education.; Wise, Lauress L. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)