Stern, N. H.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Growth and empowerment = making development happen /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Stern, N. H.; Dethier, Jean-Jacques, (1952-); Rogers, F. Halsey, (1965-)
(Language materials, printed)
A strategy for development
NetLibrary, Inc.; Stern, N. H.; Developing countries
(Language materials, printed)
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2001/2002
Pleskovic, Boris.; Stern, N. H.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
(Language materials, printed)
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2000
Pleskovic, Boris.; Stern, N. H.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; World Bank.; World Bank Conference on Development Economics ((2000))
(Language materials, printed)
The Economics of climate change : = the Stern review /
Stern, N. H.; Great Britain., Treasury.
(Language materials, printed)
Toward pro-poor policies = aid, institutions, and globalization /
Kolstad, Ivar.; Stern, N. H.; Tungodden, Bertil.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Bank Conference on Development Economics (2002 :)
(Language materials, printed)
Una estrategia para el desarrollo
NetLibrary, Inc.; Stern, N. H.; Developing countries
(Language materials, printed)
Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics, 2003 = the new reform agenda /
Pleskovic, Boris.; Stern, N. H.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Developing countries
(Language materials, printed)
Poverty- Developing countries
Developing countries- Politics and government
Environmental policy- Great Britain.
Economic policy.
Climatic changes- Government policy- Great Britain.
Globalization- Economic aspects
Developing countries- Economic policy.
Developing countries- Economic policy
Collana CEEP.- Politica economica.
Economic development.
Economic development
Climatic changes- Economic aspects.
Developing countries- Economic conditions
Development economics.
Desarrollo econ漃mico