Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
作品: | 1 作品在 13 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Care for major health problems and population health concerns = impacts on patients, providers and policy /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Technology, communication, disparities and government options in health and health care services
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Health, illness, and use of care : = the impact of social factors /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Gender perspectives on health and medicine = key themes /
Segal, Marcia Texler, (1940-); Demos, Vasilikie P.; Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Changing consumers and changing technology in health care and health care delivery /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Gendered perspectives on reproduction and sexuality
Segal, Marcia Texler, (1940-); Demos, Vasilikie P.; Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Social determinants, health disparities and linkages to health and health care
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Access to care and factors that impact access, patients as partners in care and changing roles of health providers
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Social sources of disparities in health and health care and linkagesto policy, population concerns, and providers of care
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
The impact of demographics on health and health care = race, ethnicity and other social factors /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Reorganizing health care delivery systems = problems of managed care and other models of health care delivery /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Issues in health and health care related to race/ethnicity, immigration, SES and gender
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Changing consumers and changing technology in health care and healthcare delivery
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Inequalities and disparities in health care and health = concerns of patients, providers and insurers /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Education, social factors, and health beliefs in health and health care services
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Special social groups, social factors and disparities in health and health care
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Health care providers, institutions, and patients = changing patternsof care provision and care delivery /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Healthcare reform in America = a reference handbook /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.; Kronenfeld, Michael R.
Dealing with ethical dilemmas on campus /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.; Whicker, Marcia Lynn.
Health, illness, and use of care = the impact of social factors /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Health care services, racial and ethnic minorities and underserved populations = patient and provider perspectives /
Kronenfeld, Jennie J.
Medical technology- United States.
Health systems & services.
Women's Health Services- United States.
Health- Sex differences.
Obstetrics- Social aspects.
Female circumcision.
Mental health services- Utilization- United States.
Public health.
Federal government- United States.
Medical care- Decision making.
Older people- Medical care.
Women- Health and hygiene
Medical care- Sex differences.
Social Medicine- methods.
Health services administration.
Public health administration.
Organizational change.
Older people- Care.
Long-term care of the sick.
Minorities- Medical care.
Health care reform- United States.
Social Science- Sociology
Social medicine.
Delivery of Health Care- ethics.
Gender studies, gender groups.
Midwifery- History.
Medical policy.
Minorities- Medical care
Social groups.
Feminism & feminist theory.
Social Science- Gender Studies.
Discrimination in medical care
Public health- Social aspects.
Communication in public health.
Federal Government- United States.
Women's rights.
Social Science- Women's Studies.
Discrimination in medical care.
Discrimination in medical care- United States.
Health Care Reform- United States.
Patients- Social conditions.- United States
Social medicine- United States.
Social issues & processes.
Health services accessibility.
Chronically ill- Care.
Health & Fitness- Health Care Issues.
Health services accessibility
Health- Social aspects.
Quality of Health Care- economics- United States.
Medical care- United States.
College teachers- Professional ethics.
Medical personnel and patient.
Health Behavior- United States.
Socioeconomic Factors- United States.
Personal & public health.
Public health administration- United States.
Human reproduction- Social aspects.
Health services accessibility- United States.
Terminal care.
Medical- Health Care Delivery.
Delivery of Health Care- United States.
Medically uninsured persons- Medical care.
Gender Identity.
Women's Health- ethics.
Women's Rights.
Health services administration- United States.
Childbirth- Social aspects.
Medical care.
Health education.