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Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
The mystery of the moon illusion = exploring size perception / by: Moon.; Ross, Helen Elizabeth, (1935-{me_controlnum}); Plug, Cornelis. (Electronic resources)
Modern mysteries of the Moon = what we still don't know about our lunar companion / by: Moon.; Earth (Planet); SpringerLink (Online service); Moon; Foster, Vincent S. (Electronic resources)
Our beautiful moon and its mysterious magnetism = a long voyage of discovery / by: Moon.; SpringerLink (Online service); Moon; Fuller, Mike. (Electronic resources)
Lunar commerce = a primer / by: Moon.; SpringerLink (Online service); Webber, Derek. (Electronic resources)
The moon by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Kerrod, Robin.; Moon; Moon.; Kerrod, Robin. (Language materials, printed)
The moon in close-up = a next generation astronomer's Guide / by: Moon.; SpringerLink (Online service); Wilkinson, John.; Moon (Language materials, printed)
Lunar atlas / by: Moon.; North American Aviation, inc., Space Sciences Laboratory.; Moon (Cartographic materials, printed)
New views of the moon.. 2 / by: Moon.; Neal, Clive R. (Language materials, printed)
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