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Weaver, Jace, (1957-)

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Indian from the inside : = native American philosophy and cultural renewal / by: Weaver, Jace, (1957-); Rabb, J. Douglas.; McPherson, Dennis H. (Language materials, printed)
Notes from a miner's canary = essays on the state of Native America / by: Weaver, Jace, (1957-); Project Muse. (Electronic resources)
Defending mother earth : = Native American perspectives on environmental justice / by: United States; United States; Weaver, Jace, (1957-) (Language materials, printed)
American Indian literary nationalism / by: Warrior, Robert Allen.; Womack, Craig S.; Weaver, Jace, (1957-) (Language materials, printed)
That the people might live = Native American literatures and Native American community / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Weaver, Jace, (1957-) (Language materials, printed)
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