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Nass, Sharyl J.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Mammography and beyond = developing technologies for the early detection of breast cancer/ by: Henderson, I. Craig.; Lashof, Joyce C.; Nass, Sharyl J.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee on Technologies for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer.; National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.)., Committee on the Early Detection of Breast Cancer.; NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
New frontiers in contraceptive research = a blueprint for action / by: Nass, Sharyl J.; Strauss, Jerome F. (1947-); Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee on New Frontiers in Contraceptive Research.; NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
Large-scale biomedical science : = exploring strategies for future research/ by: Nass, Sharyl J.; Stillman, Bruce.; National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.)., Committee on Large-scale Science and Cancer Research.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Division on Earth and Life Studies. (Language materials, printed)
Large-scale biomedical science = exploring strategies for future research/ by: Nass, Sharyl J.; Stillman, Bruce.; National Cancer Policy Board (U.S.)., Committee on Large-scale Science and Cancer Research.; National Research Council (U.S.)., Division on Earth and Life Studies.; NetLibrary, Inc. (Language materials, printed)
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