Thaul, Susan.
作品: | 3 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
Health services research = opportunities for an expanding field of inquiry : an interim statement/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee on Health Services Research: Training and Work Force Issues.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Division of Health Care Services.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Lohr, Kathleen N., (1941-); Thaul, Susan.; Tranquada, Robert E.
Potential radiation exposure in military operations = protecting the soldier before, during, and after/
Mettler, Fred A., (1945-); O'Maonaigh, Heather.; Thaul, Susan.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee on Battlefield Radiation Exposure Criteria.; NetLibrary, Inc.
An assessment of the NIH Women's Health Initiative
Hotra, Dana.; Thaul, Susan.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee to Review the NIH Women's Health Initiative.; National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Interactions of drugs, biologics, and chemicals in U.S. military forces
Page, William F.; Petersdorf, Robert G.; Thaul, Susan.; Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee to Study the Interactions of Drugs, Biologics, and Chemicals in U.S. Military Forces.; NetLibrary, Inc.
The five series study = mortality of military participants in U.S. nuclear weapons tests/
Institute of Medicine (U.S.)., Committee to Study the Mortality of Military Personnel Present at Atmospheric Tests of Nuclear Weapons.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Thaul, Susan.
Radiation Protection.
National Institutes of Health (U.S.)
Health Services Research- United States.
Radiation- Safety measures.
Military Personnel.
Radiation Dosage.
Women's Health- United States.
Health Services Research- trends- United States.
Medicine, Military- United States.
Military Personnel- United States.
Nuclear Warfare- United States.
Radiation Injuries- prevention & control.
Veterans- United States.
Vaccines- United States.
Nuclear warfare.
Drug interactions.
Radiation Injuries- mortality- United States.
Cohort Studies- United States.
Medical care- Research- United States.
Soldiers- Health and hygiene.
Nuclear Warfare.
Women- Health and hygiene- United States.
Drug Interactions- United States.
Hazardous Substances- United States.
Radiation injuries- Mortality.- United States
Ionizing radiation- Dosage.
Drug utilization- Evaluation.
Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems- United States.
Soldiers- United States.