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Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.)

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Charlotte Perkins Gilman : = her progress toward Utopia with selected writings / by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.); Kessler, Carol Farley. (Language materials, printed)
How to lighten the labor of women by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
How home conditions react upon the family by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
The Charlotte Perkins Gilman reader / by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.); Lane, Ann J., (1931-) (Language materials, printed)
Ideals of child culture by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
The crux = a novel / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.); Massachusetts; Tuttle, Jennifer S., (1967-); Colorado (Language materials, printed)
Herland and selected stories / by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.); Solomon, Barbara H. (Language materials, printed)
Herland / by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
Sex and race progress by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
The reactive lies of gallantry by: Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, (1860-1935.) (Language materials, printed)
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Feminists- United States Women- Economic conditions. Women Women- Social life and customs Utopias in literature. Feminist fiction, American- History and criticism. Boardinghouses Child rearing. Religion. Home economics. Women- United States. Authors, American- Correspondence.- 19th century Utopias- History- 19th century. Women and literature- United States. Domestic fiction, American- History and criticism. Feminism and literature- History- 19th century.- United States Sex role Mentally ill women- Fiction. Women- Fiction.- United States Feminism- United States. Women authors, American- Biography.- 20th century Feminism and literature- United States. Authors, American- Biography.- 19th century Eugenics Women- Social and moral questions. Home. Utopias. Married women- Psychology Women authors, American- Biography.- 19th century Utopias- Fiction. Architecture, Domestic, in literature. Feminist fiction- History and criticism. Colorado African Americans. Sociology- Philosophy. Sex role- Fiction. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins, Authors, American- Biography.- 20th century Sex role in literature. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,- Political and social views. Space (Architecture) in literature. Women and literature- History- 19th century.- United States Women. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,- Correspondence. Love-letters. Gilman, Charlotte Perkins,- Yellow wallpaper. Sexually transmitted diseases Women pioneers Massachusetts Feminism. Children. Women- Social conditions. Social ethics. Feminism Family. Utopias- United States. Married women- Fiction. Home in literature. Mentally ill women in literature. Married women in literature.
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