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Culbert, Samuel A.

Works: 1 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
Mind-set management = the heart of leadership / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Culbert, Samuel A. (Language materials, printed)
Don't kill the bosses : = escaping the hierarchy trap / by: Ullmen, John B., (1966-.); Culbert, Samuel A. (Language materials, printed)
Radical management : = power politics and the pursuit of trust / by: McDonough, John J. (1937-); Culbert, Samuel A. (Language materials, printed)
有話為何不直說? : = 說場面話,更要說真心話 / by: 考伯特 ((Culbert, Samuel A.)); Culbert, Samuel A.; 呂錦珍 (Language materials, printed)
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