IEEE Communications Society.
作品: | 1 作品在 2 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Proceedings : = IEEE Infocom '94, the conference on computer communications, thirteenth annual joint conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies, networking for global communications.
IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Computer Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Infocom (1994 :)
GLOBECOM '93 : = IEEE in Houston : technical program, conference record /
IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference ((1993 :); Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers., Galveston Bay Section.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers., Houston Section.
GLOBECOM '92 : = Communication for global users : conference record /
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers., Orlando Section.; IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference ((1992 :)
IEEE transactions on communications.
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Proceedings : = IEEE INFOCOM '95, the conference on computer communications : fourteenth annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies : bringing information to people : April 2-6, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts /
IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Computer Society.; IEEE INFOCOM '95 ((1995 :)
Digital terrestrial television broadcasting = technology and system /
Song, Jian.; Yang, Zhixing.; IEEE Communications Society.; Wang, Jun.
IEEE journal on selected areas in communications : = a publication of the IEEE Communications Society.
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Twelfth Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications : = Tempe, Arizona, March 23-26, 1993 /
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications (1993 :)
1994 IEEE 13th Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications : = Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A., April 12-15, 1994 /
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications (1994 :)
Introduction to DWDM technology : = data in a rainbow /
IEEE Communications Society.; Kartalopoulos, Stamatios V.
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking : = a joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM with its Special Interest Group on Data Communication.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Computer Society.; Association for Computing Machinery.; Association for Computing Machinery., Special Interest Group on Data Communications.
Eleventh Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications : = Scottsdale, Arizona, (U.S.A.), April 1-3, 1992 /
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications (1992 :)
IEEE personal communications : = a publication of the IEEE Communications Society in cooperation with IEEE Computer and Vehicular Technology Societies.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Computer Society.; Vehicular Technology Society.
SONET/SDH : = a sourcebook of synchronous networking /
Shafi, Mansoor, (1950-); Siller, Curtis A.; IEEE Communications Society.
IEEE network: = the magazine of global information exchange.
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
1994 IEEE GLOBECOM : = San Francisco, November 28 to December 2, 1994, "Communications : The Global Bridge" ; conference record /
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; IEEE Global ((1994 :)
1994 Third Annual International Conference on Universal Personal Communications : = record, September 27-October 1, 1994, San Diego, California.
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.; International Conference on Universal Personal Communications (1994 :)
Integrated network management VIII : = managing it all : IFIP/IEEE Eighth International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2003), March 24-28, 2003, Colorado Springs, USA, jointly sponsored by IFIP TC6/WG6.6 (Management of networks and distributed systems) and the IEEE Communications Society /
IEEE Communications Society.; Goldszmidt, German.; Schonwalder, Jurgen.; IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (2003 :)
Fundamentals of convolutional coding
Johannesson, Rolf, (1946-); Zigangirov, K. Sh.; IEEE Communications Society.; IEEE Information Theory Society.; Vehicular Technology Society.
IEEE communications letters : = a publication of the IEEE Communications Society.
IEEE Communications Society.; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Cellular radio- Congresses.
Fiber optics.
Error-correcting codes (Information theory)
Wireless communication systems- Congresses.
SONET (Data transmission)
Telecommunication systems
Convolutions (Mathematics)
Mobile communication systems
Information networks- Congresses.
Telecommunication systems- Management
Wireless communication systems
Telecommunication- Congresses.
Optical communications.
Synchronous digital hierarchy (Data transmission)
Data transmission systems- Periodicals.
Computer networks
Data communications- Congresses.
Data transmission- Congresses.
Local area networks (Computer networks)
Coding theory.
Data transmission systems- Congresses.
Computers- Congresses.
Computer networks- Management
Digital television.
Television broadcasting.