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Herfindahl, Orris C. (1918-)

Works: 8 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Natural resources information for economic development : = a study / by: Latin American Institute for Economic and Social Planning.; Resources for the Future.; Herfindahl, Orris C. (1918-) (Language materials, printed)
Quality of the environment : = an economic approach to some problems in using land, water, and air / by: Herfindahl, Orris C. (1918-); Kneese, Allen V., (Language materials, printed)
Three studies in minerals economics / by: Herfindahl, Orris C. (1918-) (Language materials, printed)
Quality of the environment : = an economic approach to some problems in using land, water, and air / by: Kneese, Allen V.; Herfindahl, Orris C. (1918-) (Language materials, printed)
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