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Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-)

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Persistent pollutants : = economics and policy / by: Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-); Pearce, David W.; European Science Foundation. (Language materials, printed)
Managing the environment : = the role of economic instruments. by: Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-); Vos, Hans B.; Savornin Lohman, A. F. de; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (Language materials, printed)
Principles of environmental and resource economics : = a guide for students and decision-makers / by: Folmer, H.; Gabel, H. Landis.; Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-) (Language materials, printed)
Environmental economics and development / by: Button, Kenneth John.; Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-); Nijkamp, Peter. (Language materials, printed)
Environment, economy, and sustainable development / by: Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-); Association of Post-Key (Language materials, printed)
Economic incentives and environmental policies : = principles and practice / by: Opschoor, Johannes B. (1944-); Turner, R. Kerry. (Language materials, printed)
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