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Hannam, Kevin.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Moral encounters in tourism / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Mostafanezhad, Mary. (Language materials, printed)
Understanding tourism = a critical introduction / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Knox, Dan. (Electronic resources)
Backpacker tourism : = concepts and profiles / by: Ateljevic, Irena.; Hannam, Kevin. (Language materials, printed)
Worlds of desire, realms of power = a cultural geography by: Hannam, Kevin.; Shurmer-Smith, Pamela. (Language materials, printed)
Tourism and leisure mobilities = politics, work, and play / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Rickly, Jillian.; Mostafanezhad, Mary. (Electronic resources)
Beyond backpacker tourism : = mobilities and experiences / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Diekmann, Anya. (Language materials, printed)
Backpacker tourism : = concepts and profiles / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Ateljevic, Irena. (Language materials, printed)
Beyond backpacker tourism : = mobilities and experiences / by: Hannam, Kevin.; Diekmann, Anya. (Language materials, printed)
Understanding tourism : = a critical introduction / by: Knox, Dan.; Hannam, Kevin. (Language materials, printed)