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World Trade Organization.

作品: 1 作品在 37 項出版品 3 種語言
The world trade organization : = law, practice, and policy / by: Schoenbaum, Thomas J.; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization); World Trade Organization.; Mavroidis, Petros C.; Matsushita, Mitsuo, (1933-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The economic and political dangers of globalization = a non-Western perspective on global capitalism / by: World Trade Organization.; United States; China; SpringerLink (Online service); Basu, Dipak.; Miroshnik, Victoria. (書目-電子資源)
The employment impact of China's WTO accession by: Bhalla, A. S.; Qiu, Shufang.; NetLibrary, Inc.; World Trade Organization. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Environmental process and production methods (PPMs) in WTO law by: World Trade Organization.; SpringerLink (Online service); Sifonios, David. (書目-電子資源)
The EU, the WTO, and the NAFTA = towards a common law of international trade / by: Weiler, Joseph, (1951-); Academy of European Law.; European Union.; World Trade Organization. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
L'Organisation mondiale du commerce by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Rainelli, Michel.; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization); World Trade Organization. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The law of subsidies under the GATT/WTO system / by: Benitah, Marc.; General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization); World Trade Organization. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
The political economy of the world trading system : = the WTO and beyond / by: Hoekman, Bernard M., (1959-); General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization); World Trade Organization.; Kostecki, M. M. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Technical barriers to trade in "new generation" RTAs and in the WTO agreements = conflict or complementarity? / by: World Trade Organization.; SpringerLink (Online service); Romanchyshyna, Iulianna. (書目-電子資源)
Antitrust in the global trading system : = reconciling U.S., Japanese and EU approaches / by: World Trade Organization.; Morici, Peter. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Foreign trade regulation- China Free trade- North America. Regionalism (International organization) Foreign - Trade regulation. Service industries- Law and legislation. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization) Developing countries- Foreign economic relations- United States. United States- Foreign economic relations- Developing countries. International economic relations. China- Commercial policy. Dumping (International trade)- Law and legislation. Trade regulation- European Union countries. Commerce ext歋rieur- Droit. Export subsidies. Health Services Accessibility- legislation & jurisprudence. Commercial treaties. World Health. Good faith (International law) Subsidies- Law and legislation. Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures International trade- Health aspects Commerce Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Banks and banking- Government policy. Foreign trade promotion- East Asia. Political Economy. Food industry and trade- Developing countries. Tariff- Regulation. Trade. Financial Law/Fiscal Law. International trade agencies. Political Economy/Economic Systems. Private International Law, International and Foreign Law, Comparative Law. International business enterprises- Management. International Security Studies. Africa, West- Commerce. Service industries Food- Standards. European Union. Free trade. International trade. Convention on Biological Diversity Antitrust law- United States. Developing countries- Commerce. International trade- Environmental aspects. Intellectual property. Propri歋t歋 intellectuelle. Income distribution. Public-private sector cooperation. Foreign trade regulation- European Union countries. Patents as Topic- legislation & jurisprudence. China- Economic conditions- 1976-2000. Globalization- Environmental aspects Free trade- Social aspects. Constitutional law- European Union countries. Law. International Economics. Sustainable development. Environmental law, International. Trade regulation- Taiwan Foreign trade promotion. Food supply- International cooperation. Performance (Law). Trade regulation. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS- International Economics. International commercial arbitration. Business and Management. European Integration. Negotiation. Political Science and International Relations. International Political Economy. Asian Politics. Energy Systems. Economic Policy. International economic relations- History. United States- Foreign economic relations. Business planning. Proximate cause (Law) Intellectual property (International law) Commercial policy. Telecommunication policy- United States. Dispute resolution (Law) Agriculture- Economic aspects- Developing countries. International economic integration- Social aspects. Service industries- Government policy. Tariff on farm produce- South Asia. Globalization- Economic aspects. Mass media- Law and legislation. Right to health care. Pharmaceutical Preparations- supply & distribution. International Cooperation. China- Economic policy- 2000- Free trade- Environmental aspects International trade- Environmental aspects General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organisation) Commercial treaties- Health aspects. Public health- International cooperation. Economic policy. Law and Economics. Public health laws, International Labor laws and legislation. Handelsabkommen. Internationales Recht. Waiver. Food supply- Security measures. Antidumping duties- Law and legislation. Dispute resolution (Law)- Economic aspects. Human rights. Political science- International relations POLITICAL SCIENCE- International Relations BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International / General BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / International / Marketing Arbitration (International law) Competition, International- Government policy. International Business. International Organization. Sociology, general. East Asia- Foreign economic relations. Agriculture- Economic aspects. Cartels. Investments, Foreign (International law) Foreign trade regulation- Decision making. Legislative and Executive Politics. European Union countries- Commerce- United States. Antidumping duties. Western Hemisphere- Economic integration. Tariff. Regionalism. Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1947) Non-tariff trade barriers. International trade- Social aspects. Poverty. Produce trade- Government policy- South Asia. Produce trade- Government policy. Actions and defenses. European Union- Law and legislation. Europees recht. Internationaal handelsrecht. Overheidssteun. Human Rights- legislation & jurisprudence. Canada.- Treaties, etc. China- Commerce. Labor market- China. Foreign trade regulation- Environmental aspects Risk management- Congresses. Globalization. Competition, International. Favored nation clause. Law- European Union countries. World Bank. Power (Social sciences) International & Foreign Law/Comparative Law. Foreign trade regulation- Political aspects. Human rights- Government policy. International Cooperation Foreign trade regulation- International cooperation. Reform Employee rights. Foreign trade regulation- Economic aspects. Discrimination- Law and legislation. Investments, Foreign. Comparative advantage (International trade) International Economic Law, Trade Law. Developing countries- Economic policy. Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Arbitration. European Union- Membership. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade|d(1947 October 30) International Environmental Law. Business Law. Economic History. Commercial law- European Union countries. Dispute resolution (Law)- European Union countries. Customs unions- Law and legislation. United States- Commercial policy. Foreign trade regulation. Food adulteration and inspection- Government policy. International economic integration. Telecommunication policy- European Union countries. Trade regulation- China. Economic development. Commercial policy- Environmental aspects. Environmental policy- Economic aspects. Free trade- Environmental aspects. Produce trade- Developing countries. Cultural industries- Law and legislation. Popular culture and globalization- Economic aspects. Drugs- Prices. Commerce. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organisation). Public Finance & Economics. International trade- Health aspects. Plant inspection- Law and legislation. Foreign trade regulation- Health aspects Sozialklausel. LAW / International. International economic relations- Law and legislation. Developing countries- Commercial treaties. Political Science. Political planning. International relations. Conflict management. Tariff- Law and legislation- China World Trade Organization. ASEAN. Asia, Southeastern- Economic policy. Tariff- Law and legislation. Protectionism. Food- Safety regulations. Organisation mondiale du commerce. Labor laws and legislation, International- Economic aspects. Food industry and trade- Government policy- South Asia. Human rights- Economic aspects. Patents (International law) Social responsibility of business. Conflict of laws. Agriculture- Economic aspects- Developing countries International Monetary Fund. Uruguay Round Financial services industry. World Trade Organization World Health Subsidies- Law and legislation- European Union Countries. Economic sanctions. Foreign trade regulation- Social aspects. Handelspolitik. Neoliberalism. Commercial law. Political science- Globalization. POLITICAL SCIENCE- NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) BUSINESS & ECONOMICS- Finance. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Exports & Imports Diplomacy. International Relations. Development Studies. Public Policy. Sources and Subjects of International Law, International Organizations. United States- Commerce- European Union countries. Energy security- Government policy. Energy Security. Natural Resource and Energy Economics. Energy Policy, Economics and Management. Globalization- History. Brazil- Foreign economic relations- United States. Food security- Africa, West. World Trade Organization- China Food industry and trade- Safety measures. Europe- Economic integration. Constitutional law. Foreign trade regulation- China. Biological diversity conservation. Foreign trade regulation- Law and legislation. Antitrust law- European Union countries. Antitrust law- Japan. Produce trade- Government policy Tariff on farm produce. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Labor market. Agriculture and state- South Asia. Democracy. International law- Economic aspects. Developing countries- Commerce Developing countries- Economic conditions Commercial Law. Animals- Inspection Food adulteration and inspection- Law and legislation. Economic development projects. States, Small- Economic conditions. BUSINESS & ECONOMICS- Banks & Banking. International agencies. Private International Law, International & Foreign Law, Comparative Law. Food supply- Developing countries. Food security- Developing countries. Food- Biotechnology. Agricultural Economics. European Law. Environmental Law/Policy/Ecojustice. International Trade. United States- Foreign economic relations- Brazil. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- Agreement on Agriculture African Politics. Asia, Southeastern- Foreign economic relations. Developing countries- Commercial policy. Tariffs- Law and legislation. Tarif douanier- Droit. General Agreement on Trade in Services Globalization- Economic aspects- Developing countries. Developing countries- Economic conditions- 21st century. Subsidies. Legislation, Drug. Human Rights- economics. China- Foreign economic relations. Environmental policy- Congresses. World Trade Organization- Developing countries. World health- Economic aspects. Labor laws and legislation, International. Health Policy Legislation, Medical Internationale Kooperation Industrial hygiene- Law and legislation. POLITICAL SCIENCE- Globalization. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (Organization). POLITICAL SCIENCE / International Relations / Trade & Tariffs Judicial review Development economics. Development Economics. Food Science. Doha Development Agenda International regimes. Foreign trade regulation- Environmental aspects. Clean energy- Government policy. Law and economics.