Harris, Paul G.
Works: | 3 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Global warming and East Asia = the domestic and international politics of climate change /
Harris, Paul G.; NetLibrary, Inc.
(Language materials, printed)
Global warming and East Asia : = the domestic and international politics of climate change /
Harris, Paul G.
(Language materials, printed)
Confronting environmental change in East and Southeast Asia : = eco-politics, foreign policy and sustainable development /
Harris, Paul G.
(Language materials, printed)
Confronting environmental change in East & Southeast Asia : = eco-politics, foreign policy and sustainable development /
Harris, Paul G.
(Language materials, printed)
Climatic changes- Research.
Sustainable development- East Asia.
Climate change mitigation- Research.
Climatic changes- Government policy- Asia, Southeastern.
Climatic changes- Government policy- East Asia.
Environmental policy- East Asia.
Environmental policy- Southeast Asia.
Climatic changes- Environmental aspects- Southeast Asia.
Climatic changes- Government policy- Southeast Asia.
Environmental justice.
Environmental management- East Asia.
Environmental management- Southeast Asia.
Sustainable development- Southeast Asia.
Climatic changes- Environmental aspects- Asia, Southeastern.
Climatic changes- Environmental aspects- East Asia.