作品: | 2 作品在 0 項出版品 0 種語言 |
Socioliterary practice in late Medieval England
Barr, Helen, (1961-); England; England
Writing and rebellion = England in 1381 /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Justice, Steven, (1957-); England; Great Britain
The ages of man : = a study in medieval writing and thought /
Burrow, J. A.; England; England
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (1390-1447) and the Italian humanists /
Saygin, Susanne.; England; England; Great Britain; Great Britain; Italy
Great Britain- History- Richard II, 1377-1399
Humanism- History- To 1500.- England
Humanists- Italy.
Great Britain- Relations- Italy.
Italy- Relations- Great Britain.
England- Intellectual life- 1066-1485.
English literature- History and criticism.- Middle English, 1100-1500
Great Britain- History- Lancaster and York, 1399-1485
Literature and society- History- To 1500.- England
Aging- Philosophy.
Life cycle, Human- Philosophy.
Literacy- History- To 1500.- England
Peasant uprisings- History- To 1500.- England
Peasantry- History- To 1500.- England
England- Social conditions- 1066-1485.
England- Civilization- 1066-1485.
English literature- History and criticism.- Old English, ca. 450-1100
Life cycle, Human, in literature.
Social history in literature.
Civilization, Medieval, in literature.
Art patronage- History- To 1500.- England
Nobility- Great Britain
Aging in literature.
Langland, William,- Piers the Plowman.
Humphrey,- Art patronage.
Philosophy, Medieval.
Tyler's Insurrection, 1381.
England- Civilization
Latin literature, Medieval and modern- History and criticism.- England
Chaucer, Geoffrey,- Criticism and interpretation
Literature, Medieval- History and criticism.
England- Intellectual life- To 1066.
Langland, William.- Piers the Plowman.
Written communication- History- To 1500.- England
Renaissance- England.