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White, Edmund, (1940-)

Works: 5 works in 2 publications in 2 languages
Chaos : = a novella and stories / by: White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
The flaneur : = a stroll through the paradoxes of Paris / by: White, Edmund, (1940-); Paris (France) (Language materials, printed)
A boy's own story / by: White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
Hotel de Dream : = a New York novel / by: White, Edmund, (1940-); Manhattan (New York, N.Y.); United States; Sussex (England) (Language materials, printed)
Marcel Proust / by: White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
Understanding Edmund White / by: Radel, Nicholas F., (1955-) (Language materials, printed)
Terre Haute / by: White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
My lives : = a memoir / by: White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
最終的美好時光 : = 追憶似水年華的普魯斯特 / by: 懷特 ((White, Edmund, 1940-)); 天悅; White, Edmund, (1940-) (Language materials, printed)
Loss within loss : = artists in the age of AIDS / by: White, Edmund, (1940-); Estate Project for Artists with AIDS.; Alliance for the Arts (New York, N.Y.) (Language materials, printed)
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