Barker, Martin.
Works: | 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages |
Reading into cultural studies /
Barker, Martin.; Beezer, Anne, (1945-)
(Language materials, printed)
Ill effects : = the media/violence debate /
Barker, Martin.; Petley, Julian.
(Language materials, printed)
The lasting of the Mohicans = history of an American myth /
Sabin, Roger, (1961-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Barker, Martin.; United States
(Language materials, printed)
Contemporary Hollywood stardom
Barker, Martin.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Austin, Thomas, (1966-)
(Language materials, printed)
Ill effects = the media/violence debate /
Barker, Martin.; Petley, Julian.; NetLibrary, Inc.
(Language materials, printed)
Popular culture- History- 20th century- Great Britain
United States- History- French and Indian War, 1755-1763
Motion picture actors and actresses
Popular literature- History and criticism- Great Britain
Mass media- Influence.
Cooper, James Fenimore,- Appreciation- United States.
Mohegan Indians in literature.
Canon (Literature)
Popular culture- History.- United States
Historical fiction, American- History and criticism.
Social values in literature.
Cooper, James Fenimore,
Cooper, James Fenimore,- Last of the Mohicans.
Motion pictures- United States
Mass media- Social aspects.
Violence in mass media.
Literature and society- History.- United States
Myth in literature.