Europe, Eastern
作品: | 0 作品在 7 項出版品 2 種語言 |
The economics of secession /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Bookman, Milica Zarkovic.
Change in Eastern Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Weiner, Robert, (1950-); Europe, Eastern
Democracy and post-communism = political change in the post-communist world /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Gill, Graeme J.; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
Political discourse in transition in Europe, 1989-1991 /
Mey, Jacob.; Europe, Eastern; Chilton, Paul A.; Il§inskii, Mikhail Mikhailovich.
Achieving democracy through interest representation = interest groups in Central and Eastern Europe /
Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; SpringerLink (Online service); Rozbicka, Patrycja.
Comrades no more = the seeds of political change in Eastern Europe /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Soviet Union; De Nevers, Ren歋e.
European politics today /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Western; Europe; Almond, Gabriel A. (1911-2002.)
The European Community, Eastern Europe, and Russia : = economic and political changes /
Gianaris, Nicholas V.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Former Soviet republics; European Economic Community countries; European Economic Community countries
The political economy of Eastern Europe 30 years into the 'transition' = new left perspectives from the region /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; SpringerLink (Online service); Slacalek, Ondrej.; Gagyi, Agnes.
Communism : = its rise and fall in the 20th century : from the pages of the Christian Science monitor /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Ralston, Richard E.
Policy reform and the development of democracy in eastern Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Hasselmann, Chris.
Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe Volume 2: International and Transnational Factors
Pravda, Alex; Oxford University Press.; Zielonka, Jan; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
Decentralization and transition in the Visegrad : = Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia /
Kirchner, Emil Joseph.; Europe, Eastern
新興民主國家的憲政選擇 /
李帕特 ((Lijphart, Arend)); Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Latin America; 威斯門 ((Waisman, Carlos H. (Carlos Horacio), 1943- )); 陳景堯; 陳駿德; 蔡熊山; Lijphart, Arend.; Waisman, Carlos H., (1943- .)
中、東歐的革命與變遷 : = 政治、經濟與社會的挑戰 /
東歐; 楊淑娟 ((社會學)); Goldman, Minton F.; 古德曼 ((Goldman,Minton F.)); Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; 東歐; Europe, Eastern
Revolution and change in Central and Eastern Europe /
East, Roger.; Pontin, Jolyon.; East, Roger.; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern
The state after communism = administrative transitions in Central and Eastern Europe /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Nunberg, Barbara.; Barbone, Luca.; Derlien, Hans-Ulrich.; Europe, Eastern
Learning to choose = electoral politics in East-Central Europe /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Tworzecki, Hubert.; Europe, Eastern
Eastern European development and public policy /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Nagel, Stuart S., (1934-); Rukavishnikov, V. O. (Vladimir Olegovich); Europe, Eastern; Policy Studies Organization.
Institutional design in post-communist societies : = rebuilding the ship at sea /
Offe, Claus.; Preuss, Ulrich Klaus, (1939-); Elster, Jon, (1940-); Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Environment and democratic transition : = policy and politics in Central and Eastern Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Tam榥s, P榥l.; V榥ri, Anna.
The political economy of protest and patience = East European and Latin American transformations compared /
NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Latin America; Latin America; Greskovits, B歋la, (1953-)
Party politics in Central and Eastern Europe : = does EU membership matter? /
Haughton, Timothy.; European Union; European Union; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern
Towards a new community : = culture and politics in post-totalitarian Europe /
Duncan, Peter J. S., (1953-); Rady, Martyn C.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Markets, states, and democracy : = the political economy of post-communist transformation /
Crawford, Beverly.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
The state after communism : = administrative transitions in Central and Eastern Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Barbone, Luca.; Derlien, Hans-Ulrich.; Nunberg, Barbara.
The evolution of civil-military relations in East-Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union
Mychajlyszyn, Natalie, (1968-); Von Riekhoff, Harald, (1937-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
Developments in Central and East European politics 2 /
Batt, Judy.; Lewis, Paul G., (1945-); White, Stephen, (1945-); Europe, Eastern
After the fall : = the failure of communism and the future of socialism /
Europe, Eastern; Blackburn, Robin.
Emerging democracies in East Central Europe and the Balkans /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Agh, Attila.; Balkan Peninsula; Balkan Peninsula
Regime transitions, elites, and bureaucracies in Eastern Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Derlien, Hans-Ul
The politics of a disillusioned Europe = East Central Europe after the fall of communism /
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Central; SpringerLink (Online service); Liebich, Andre.
The break-up of Communism in East Germany and Eastern Europe /
Kupferberg, Feiwel, (1946-); Europe, Eastern; Germany (East)
Potentials of disorder
NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe, Eastern; Koehler, Jan.; Z鋎rcher, Christoph.; Europe, Eastern
Political parties in post-communist Eastern Europe
NetLibrary, Inc.; Lewis, Paul G., (1945-); Europe, Eastern
The New democracies in Eastern Europe : = party systems and political cleavages /
Berglund, Sten, (1947-); Dellenbrant, Jan Ake, (1946-); Europe, Eastern
Transition, the first ten years = analysis and lessons for Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
NetLibrary, Inc.; World Bank.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Former Soviet republics; Mitra, Pradeep.; Selowsky, Marcelo.
Developments in East European politics /
Batt, Judy.; Lewis, Paul G., (1945-); White, Stephen, (1945-); Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Nationalism reframed : = nationhood and the national question in the New Europe /
Europe; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Brubaker, Rogers.
The Consolidation of democracy in East-Central Europe /
Dawisha, Karen.; Parrott, Bruce, (1945-); Europe, Eastern
The Fall of communism and the rise of nationalism : = the Index reader /
Petrie, Ruth.; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Democratic consolidation in Eastern Europe : = the influence of the communist legacy in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Romania /
Europe, Eastern; Hollis, Wendy.; Czech Republic; Hungary; Romania
A quarter century of post-communism assessed
Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Former Soviet republics; Fish, M. Steven.; Gill, Graeme.; SpringerLink (Online service); Petrovic, Milenko.
Central and Eastern Europe = Europeanizationand social change /
Bafoil, Franðcois.; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Palgrave Connect (Online service)
Nationalism reframed : = nationhood and the national question in the New Europe /
Europe, Eastern; Europe; Brubaker, Rogers, (1956-); Former Soviet republics
Regional economic voting : = Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990--1999 /
Tucker, Joshua A. (1971-); Europe, Central; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Democratic Consolidation in Eastern Europe Volume 1: Institutional Engineering
Oxford University Press.; Zielonka, Jan; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics
The power and limits of NGOs : = a critical look at building democracy in Eastern Europe and Eurasia /
Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Mendelson, Sarah Elizabeth.; Glenn, John K.
Government formation in Central and Eastern Europe : = the case of minority governments /
Keudel, Dorothea.; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern
Party Politics in New Democracies.
Webb, Paul; Oxford University Press.; Europe, Eastern; Latin America; White, Stephen
The democratic process and the market = challenges of the transition /
Simai, Mih榥ly.; NetLibrary, Inc.; Europe, Central; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern; Former Soviet republics; Russia (Federation); Former Soviet republics; Europe, Central; Russia (Federation)
Government and markets : = establishing a democratic constitutional order and a market economy in former socialist countries /
Blommestein, H. J., (1950-); Ste; Europe, Eastern; Europe, Eastern
Latin America- Politics and government- 1980-
Europe, Eastern- Politics and government- 1945-1989.
Czech Republic- Politics and government- 1993-
Democracy- Former Soviet republics.
Political parties- Europe, Eastern.
Post-communism- Former Soviet republics.
Political parties.
European Union- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Central- History- 1989-
公共行政- 比較研究
Democracy- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Eastern- Economic policy- 1989-
Europe, Eastern- Economic policy.
Europe, Eastern- Social policy.
Communism- History.
Democracy- Balkan Peninsula.
Elections- Economic aspects- Europe, Central.
Constitutional history- Former Soviet republics.
Democratization- Former Soviet republics.
New democracies.
European Union- Europe, Central.
Europe, Central- Economic policy- 1989-
Political Science and International Relations.
政治制度- 比較研究
Europe, Central- Politics and government- 1989-
Yugoslav War,1991-1995.
Former Soviet republics- Politics and government.
Environmental policy- Former Soviet republics.
Social change- Europe, Eastern.
Post-Communism- Europe, Eastern.
Elections- Economic aspects- Europe, Eastern.
Democracy- Europe, Central.
Russia (Federation)- Economic conditions.
Russia (Federation)- Politics and government.
Comparative economics.
Representative government and representation- Europe, Eastern.
Non-governmental organizations- Europe, Eastern.
Comparative Politics.
Comparative government.
Europe, Eastern- Economic conditions- 1989-
Nationalism- Former Soviet Republics.
Free enterprise- Europe, Eastern.
Democratization- Europe, Eastern.
Romania- Politics and government- 1989-
Latin America- Economic conditions- 1982-
Soviet Union- Politics and government- 1985-1991.
Constitutional history- Europe, Eastern.
Discourse analysis- Political aspects- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Western- Politics and government.
Europe, Eastern- History- 1989-
Environmental policy- Europe, Eastern.
Communism- History- 20th century.- Europe, Eastern
Europe, Eastern- Civilization.
European Economic Community countries- Politics and government.
Balkan Peninsula- Economic policy.
Balkan Peninsula- Politics and government- 1989-
Germany (East)- Politics and government- 1989-1990.
Democratization- Europe, Central.
Post-communism- Europe, Central.
Decentralization in government- Europe, Eastern.
Administrative agencies- Management.- Europe, Eastern
Ethnic conflict- Europe, Eastern.
Europe- Politics and government- 1989-
International relations.
Coalition governments- Europe, Central.
Coalition governments- Europe, Eastern.
European Politics.
Political History.
Europe, Eastern- Politics and government- 1989-
Nationalism- Europe, Eastern.
Europe- Politics and government- 20th century.
Political parties- History.- Europe, Eastern
Post-communism- Forecasting.- Europe, Eastern
Local government- European Union countries.
Civil service- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Central- Economic conditions.
Europe, Central- Politics and government.
Elections- History.- Europe, Eastern
Democracy- Europe.
Political parties- Europe, Central.
Politics and Government.
Public Policy.
International Relations.
Europe, Central- Social conditions- 1989-
Post-communism- Europe,Eastern.
Europe, Eastern- Social conditions- 1989-
東歐- 政治與政府
Nationalism- Europe.
Political leadership- Europe, Eastern.
European Economic Community countries- Economic conditions.
Communism- Europe, Eastern.
Political culture- Europe, Eastern.
Hungary- Politics and government- 1989-
Europe, Central- Economic conditions- 1989-
Democracy- Russia.
Civil-military relations- Europe, Eastern.
Civil-military relations- Former Soviet republics.
Democratization- Europe.
Non-governmental organizations- Former Soviet republics.
東歐- 歷史- 現代(1900- )
Post-communism- Europe, Eastern.
Former Soviet republics- Economic conditions.
Post-communism- Balkan Peninsula.
Local government- Europe, Eastern.
Pensions- Europe, Eastern.
Europe, Eastern- Ethnic relations.
Political Science and International Relations, general.
International Relations Theory.