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Works: 15 works in 1 publications in 1 languages
臺灣空中孢粉誌 / by: 黃增泉; 陳淑華; 陳世輝; 郭長生; 張惠珠; 鄒稚華 (Language materials, printed)
花蓮縣北區主要溪流流域木瓜溪、立霧溪動植物生態之調查 / by: 陳世輝; 鮑家驄 (Language materials, printed)
Remarks on the species of stachytarpheta (Verbenaceae) of Taiwan / by: Wu, Ming-Jou.; 陳世輝; 吳明洲; Chen, Shih-Huei. (Language materials, printed)
蘭科植物的演化 / by: 陳世輝 (Language materials, printed)
東台灣植物雜報 / . (2) by: 陳世輝 (Language materials, printed)
Aboriginal Children's Alternative Conceptions of Animals and Animal Classification / by: Chen, Shih-Huei. ; KU, Chih-Hsiung.; 陳世輝; 古智雄 (Language materials, printed)
花蓮縣國小自然科新教材鄉土資源調查研究 / by: 陳世輝; 李思根 (Language materials, printed)
Aboriginal Children's Conceptions and Alternative Conceptions of Plants / by: KU, Chih-Hsiung.; 陳世輝; Chen, Shih-Huei. ; 古智雄 (Language materials, printed)
東臺灣野生食用植植物調查報告 / . (一) by: 陳世輝 (Language materials, printed)
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