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Developing countries

作品: 0 作品在 8 項出版品 2 種語言
The politics of development = a survey / by: Developing countries; Weber, Heloise. (書目-電子資源)
Managing policy reform : = concepts and tools for decision-makers in developing and transitioning countries / by: Crosby, Benjamin, (1941-.); Brinkerhoff, Derick W.; Developing countries (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Capitalism and democracy in the Third World : = the doctrine for political development / by: Developing countries; Cammack, Paul A. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Politicising democracy : = the new local politics and democratisation / by: Tornquist, Olle.; Developing countries; Harriss, John.; Stokke, Kristian, (1961-.) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Political development theory = the contemporary debate / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Developing countries; Higgott, Richard A. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Strong societies and weak states : = state-society relations and state capabilities in the Third World / by: Developing countries; Migdal, Joel S.; Developing countries (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Citizenship, democracies, and media engagement among emerging economies and marginalized communities by: Developing countries; SpringerLink (Online service); Developing countries; Ngwainmbi, Emmanuel K. (書目-電子資源)
The Third World Beyond the Cold War = Continuity and Change by: Oxford University Press.; Developing countries; Developing countries; Sayigh, Yezid; Fawcett, Louise (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
New social movements in the South : = empowering the people / by: Developing countries; Wignaraja, Ponna.; South Asia (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Reinventing Leviathan : = the politics of administrative reform in developing countries / by: Developing countries; Heredia, Blanca, (1960-); Schneider, Ben Ross. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
軍事政治學 International finance. Economic assistance- Political aspects Conflict management- Developing countries. Pa毃ses subdesarrollados- Pol毃tica- Siglo XX. Civil service reform- Developing countries. Developing countries- Officials and employees Peace-building. Gestion des conflits- Pays en voie de d歋veloppement. Pays en voie de d歋veloppement- Politique et gouvernement. Representative government and representation- Developing countries. Postcolonialism- Philosophy. Media and Communication. Development Policy. Economic development- Political aspects- Developing countries. Political Leadership. International cooperation. Military government- Developing countries. Developing countries- Commerce. Investments, Foreign- Developing countries. Consolidation de la paix. Political stability- Developing countries. Cultural and Media Studies. Citizenship. Political Science and International Relations. Development and Social Change. South Asia- Politics and government. Asian Economics. Political Theory. Developing countries- Politics and government. Democratization- Developing countries. Democratization. Social control. Decolonization- Developing countries. Legitimacy of governments- Developing countries. Human rights- Developing countries. Social movements- Developing countries. Administrative agencies- Reorganization.- Developing countries World politics- 1989- Regional Development. Comparative Politics. Informal sector (Economics)- Employees.- Developing countries Labor unions- Organizing- Developing countries. Political Philosophy. Civil-military relations- Developing countries. Comparative government. Developing countries- Economic conditions. Pluralism (Social sciences). Political culture- Developing countries. Capitalism- Developing countries. Civil society- Developing countries. United States- Foreign relations- 2001-. Industrialization- Developing countries. World Bank. Legislative bodies- Reform.- Developing countries Globalization. Anti-imperialist movements- History. Mass media- Political aspects- Developing countries. Developing countries- Relations. Economic development- Social aspects- Developing countries. Labor unions- Developing countries. Political Economy and Economic Systems. Peace and Conflict Studies. Political planning. Political participation. Developing countries- Economic policy. International relations. Industrial policy- Developing countries. Intergovernmental fiscal relations- Developing countries. Economic development. Postcolonialism. Intellectuals- Interviews. Communication in politics- Developing countries. Global/International Culture. Intellectuals Elections- Developing countries. Development Aid. Governance and Government. 政變 Democracy- Developing countries. Nationalism- Developing countries. Revolutions- Developing countries. Administrative agencies- Management.- Developing countries Economic stabilization- Developing countries. Postcolonialism- History. Cultural Policy and Politics. Development and Sustainability. Social movements- South Asia. Dependency. Labor Economics. Organizational Studies, Economic Sociology. Development Studies. Developing countries- Social conditions. Democracy. Local government- Developing countries. Debts, External- Developing countries. Intervention (International law). Peace-building Imperialism- History. Social movements Critical Theory. Decentralization in government- Developing countries. Political development. Nation-building. Public administration- Developing countries. Privatization- Developing countries. Colonies- History. Revolutions- History. Development Economics. Developing countries- Foreign relations.