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Works: 2 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
The cult of imperial honor in British India by: Patterson, Steven, (Dr.); India; Palgrave Connect (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Writing under the Raj : = gender, race, and rape in the British colonial imagination, 1830-1947 / by: Paxton, Nancy L., (1949-); India; India (Language materials, printed)
Political mobilization and identity in Western India, 1934-47 / by: Krishan, Shri.; India (Language materials, printed)
Another reason : = science and the imagination of modern India / by: Prakash, Gyan, (1952-); India; India (Language materials, printed)
Dominance without hegemony : = history and power in colonial India / by: Guha, Ranajit.; India; India (Language materials, printed)
Writing under the Raj = gender, race, and rape in the British colonial imagination, 1830-1947 / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Paxton, Nancy L., (1949-); India; India (Language materials, printed)
Tourists at the Taj : = performance and meaning at a symbolic site / by: Edensor, Tim.; Great Britain; India; India; India (Language materials, printed)
Colonialism and its forms of knowledge : = the British in India / by: Cohn, Bernard S., (1928-); India; India; India (Language materials, printed)
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