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Hughes, Christopher W.

Works: 3 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Japan's remilitarisation / by: Hughes, Christopher W.; Japan; Japan; Japan; Japan (Language materials, printed)
Globalization, political violence and translation by: Bielsa, Esperanðca, (1971-); Hughes, Christopher W.; Palgrave Connect (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Regionalisation and global governance : = the taming of globalisation? / by: Cooper, Andrew Fenton, (1950-); Hughes, Christopher W.; Lombaerde, Philippe de. (Language materials, printed)
Taiwan and Chinese nationalism = national identity and status in international society / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Hughes, Christopher W.; China; Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan; Taiwan (Language materials, printed)
日本安全議題 = = Japan's Security Agenda : Military, Economic & Environmental Dimensions : 軍事,經濟,環境 / by: 休斯 ((Hughes, Christopher W.)); Japan; Japan; 李育慈; Hughes, Christopher W. (Language materials, printed)
Regionalisation and global governance = the taming of globalisation? / by: Cooper, Andrew Fenton, (1950-); Hughes, Christopher W.; Lombaerde, Philippe de.; University of Warwick., Centre for the Study of Globalisation and Regionalisation.; Economic and Social Research Council (Great Britain) (Electronic resources)
Security studies : = a reader / by: Hughes, Christopher W.; Lai, Yew Meng. (Language materials, printed)
Japan's economic power and security = Japan and North Korea / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Hughes, Christopher W.; Japan; Japan; Korea (North); Korea (North) (Language materials, printed)