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Davis, Brent.

Works: 9 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Engaging minds : = learning and teaching in a complex world / by: Sumara, Dennis J., (1958-); Luce-Kapler, Rebecca.; Davis, Brent. (Language materials, printed)
Engaging minds = learning and teaching in a complex world / by: Luce-Kapler, Rebecca.; Sumara, Dennis J., (1958-); NetLibrary, Inc.; Davis, Brent. (Language materials, printed)
Complexity and education : = inquiries into learning, teaching, and research / by: Sumara, Dennis J., (1958-); Davis, Brent. (Language materials, printed)
Inventions of teaching = a genealogy / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Davis, Brent. (Language materials, printed)
The math teachers know = profound understanding of emergent mathematics / by: Davis, Brent.; Renert, Moshe, (1965-) (Electronic resources)
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